Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Scenario: Outdoor Group Time - Children Misbehaving
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Scenario: Outdoor Group Time - Children Misbehaving

Posted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:38 pm
by momotayeasmin
Outdoor Grouptime
The preschool children’s (3 - 5 years) Educators have decided to conduct their pre-lunch language group outdoors today. The morning has been hot and windy and the children are tired, hungry and thirsty. As one Educator prepares for lunch, the other Educator is responsible for reading a story and transitioning the children to the bathroom. The children are crowded together and a number of children are fidgeting and touching others. Two of the younger girls in the group are talking and laughing. The story is continually being interrupted as the Educator manages the behaviours within the group.

List two environmental factors that are negatively contributing to children’s behaviour in this above scenario?
Hot, stale air
Uninteresting program


List two developmental skills that a child would need to be able to manage their behaviour within group time experiences?
Gross motor control - sit still on the floor

Make two suggestions how the Educators could have better planned this routine experience to minimise the impact on children’s behaviour?
1. Ensure that expectations are appropriate for the development and abilities of each child an
that they respect individual social and cultural backgrounds.

2. ???????

Is it correct?

Need help Q4 answer

Re: Outdoor Grouptime

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2015 9:35 pm
by momotayeasmin
please help me someone

Re: Scenario: Outdoor Group Time - Children Misbehaving

Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2015 2:51 pm
by Lorina
List two environmental factors that are negatively contributing to children’s behaviour in this above scenario?

The morning has been hot and windy and the children are tired, hungry and thirsty.
The children are crowded together.
List two developmental skills that a child would need to be able to manage their behaviour within group time experiences?

concentrating on the story, listening to instructions from the educator, sitting with their friends without talking to each other etc.
Make two suggestions how the Educators could have better planned this routine experience to minimise the impact on children’s behaviour?

Since the day was hot and windy and the children were hungry and thirsty it is a bad time to expect children to sit and listen. This group time could of been done in the morning and use this time to do a quick transition to lunch since the children are hungry.
Instead of reading a story, the educator could of played a game, sang songs, something other than making the children to sit and listen...
