Aussie Childcare Network Forum • Practical Task - Examples of Implementing Sustainability
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Practical Task - Examples of Implementing Sustainability

Posted: Sat Jun 01, 2013 4:41 pm
by julieben
Hi Im Julie, and i am currently nearly finishing my Certificate 3 in Children Services (1 week to go...YAY! :clap: ) .[/color]

I am stuck on a question on my work task book that I have received from TAFE, its about Implementing sustainability. Its say's give 3 examples of Environmental sustainability, 3 examples of Economic sustainability , Three examples of Workforce sustainability and Three examples of Social sustainability.

Im not sure if this is right or if i'm on the right track,

I wrote for environmental sustainability :
1) Explaining and talking to the children about plants and animals that occur in the centre : Example: bugs, lizards etc.

2) Using materials with the children like rocks, sticks, twigs leafs for there art work.

3) Introducing activities such as nature treasure hunts and encourage them to interact with the nature world.

Economic sustainability:

1) switching off light when not needed

2) Using clothes line to dry clothes rather then using dryer .

3) Turning off taps and encouraging children to turn off tapes when they finish washing hands. Every week every child will get to a turn on been a water monitor.

Workforce sustainability:

This question I was stuck on and didn't know what it meant by workforce sustainability

Social Sustainability:

This question as well, didn't really understand what really meant when they said social sustainability

I was wondering if I am on the right track with the 2 top questions, and if anybody can explain to me what it means by the 2 other question that I mention, that would be great!, what examples would I could put in those two questions.

Thank you for your support

Julie :kiss:

Re: Certificate 3 Practical Task book Question

Posted: Wed Jun 05, 2013 5:52 am
by Lorina
For the first two questions yes you are on the right track with your response. For environmental sustainability you can also include recycling/reusing materials....

Workforce Sustainability: ... inability/

For example: providing professional development courses for staff, encouraging and supporting staff within the centre etc.

Social Sustainability: ... an-capital
