Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCFC502 A - Fine & Gross Motor Activities
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CHCFC502 A - Fine & Gross Motor Activities

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2013 9:15 am
by nicoletteb
Your Assignment Module Number and Heading: Foster physical development in early childhood
Your Assignment Type: Standard Question
Currently Working in Childcare? No
Your knowledge: Beginner

Your Question?
In consultation with your workplace supervisor choose 2 experiences, one fine, one gross motor, for a small group or inidvidual child. The experiences need to promote positive interactions between children and offer challenge, choice and independece and be aimed at promoting confidence in children's physical skills

I've got this learning story, can I use it, is it anything to do with motor skills? Also, what is the best eylf links for this?! Thnx for your help guys!

What is your answer so far or What have you done so far as an attempt to solve this question?
This morning Kenny was using the computer. I went over to see what the game was. He needed to choose if an animal was big or small out of two different animals. I asked him why the bear is the big one. He replied ‘because it is’. I asked ‘is it because it is taller do you think?’ He replied ‘yes’. He then chose another game where he needed to count toes and buttons, the game began and the voice started counting the toes. I asked him ‘can you count them too?’ He started to count along with the computer ‘1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10’. He then moved on to the buttons. I asked’ how many buttons are there? ‘He counted them from one to five. More buttons then appeared I said ‘I wonder how many buttons there is this time?’ He was able to count them from on to seven and moved onto another game.

Outcomes: Communicating key focus: Exploring and engaging with numeracy in personally meaningful ways. Kenny is finding an interest in counting as he is involved with some of the computer games. He was able to complete each task well. He is also gaining an awareness of size.

Follow Up: Introduce some other activities to do with numeracy or size. Eg bring in some real buttons or some kind of objects where he can touch them for himself and can count them up. An activity to do with size could be where they need to draw something big and something small. Or have real objects of different sizes which they need to sort into groups.

Evaluation: Kenny really enjoys using the computer and did well at completing the counting game. It’s a great opportunity for him to practice his numeracy and literacy skills. We could take this further with other counting activities where he could use his hands to count real objects.

Links to the EYLF outcomes

Description and Message:
Not sure if this is a motor skill activity? To me, it's his choice to play the game on the computer. He is independent and it does promote confidence when he get's an answer right?

Also, what could have been done differently in this exercise / experience?

We could use real things that he can sort and count and put according to size and shape?

Thnx guys

Re: CHCFC502 A

Posted: Thu Jan 24, 2013 8:12 pm
by Lorina
If you were going to use this as a motor skill experience then it needs to be focused more on how Kenny used the computer mouse to control the game, whether or not Kenny used any of the computer buttons etc. Fine motor skills can be anything to do with finger movements and developing strength on fingers. The learning story you selected doesn't really give details about Kenny's fine motor skills.


Re: CHCFC502 A - Fine & Gross Motor Activities

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 8:55 am
by nicoletteb
Thnx for that! Really appreciate your help! :-)

Re: CHCFC502 A - Fine & Gross Motor Activities

Posted: Fri Jan 25, 2013 12:10 pm
by fchaudari76
Was going to say the same as LA, your learning story does not focus on the motor skills which is what the question is asking you.
Motor skills relate to the actual usage of the hands/feet so movement skills. So you need to think more along lines of manipulation of objects and how well it is done. Also you need to know what activities are gross motor and what are fine motor.

Re: CHCFC502 A - Fine & Gross Motor Activities

Posted: Fri Feb 01, 2013 9:06 am
by nicoletteb
Great! Thnx for that! Was a bit confused about that one! I've got another one, if you guys could help with this.

I need to do a gross motor skill learning story with one child or small group.

Okay, I got photos with toddlers climbing up a climbing wall, walking over a 'hanging bridge, trying to get on a balancing beam and one sliding on another beam with her bottom. This is what I got so far

Today, while we were setting up the outdoor area the children got really excited about the euipment we were setting up. Leo immediately went to have a go at the climbing wall and Melissa tried her balance on the balance beam. Oscar went for the hanging bridge and looked at me and said 'Wow! It feels like I'm on a boat!'
Sammy tried to stand up on the balance beam but did not know exactly what to do! She called me over and asked for help, but uick as a button, Sammy's friends came over to help.
Kylly looked over to Sammy and said, look Sammy, you hold on to the beam like this and then you stand up like this.
Good job for helping your friend out, Kylie!
Sammy then went on and slide with her bottom over on the other balance beam. She looked up at me with a big smile and said, I can do it this way! 'Good on you Sammy! Very happy to see you keep on trying!

Is this okay as a learning story?

Also, they asked what could have been done differently? Can u guys help with that, please?

Also, what do they mean by what occured during the play events? Is that what I wrote in the learning story?

And the EYLF - I've got Outcome 1, Outcome 2 and Outcome 4. Is that the correct ones?

Thnx very much for your help!