Aussie Childcare Network Forum • CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C
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CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 2:01 pm
by TanPritch
Hi there,

I'm a little stuck on PART C - Q2 - Provide Care for Children.

In question one we had to answer if the following situations may cause/stress/emotional outburst in a child.

1. new group leader
2. re-arrangement of room
3. a toileting accident
4. rest time if the child does not rest at home
5. putting a child on time out
6. divorce or separation of parents
7. unable to find their belongings
8. telling a child to pack toys away
9. the death of a family pet

Which I have anserwed.

Question 2 asks to pick two of the situtations and provide details of any difference in your actions, for the above situations if the child was: Culturally and Linguistically diverse or Aboriginal/Torres Strait Islander.

If anyone could assist that would be great.

Many thanks.

Re: CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C

Posted: Sun Feb 26, 2012 2:36 pm
by Lorina
Ok. If a child was culturally or linguistically diverse and you picked "rest time if the child does not rest at home" and "telling a child to pack away" you could probably incorporate visual cues (pictures) in order to help the child to understand what is happening. What did you write for these two points in your first answer? Then we can work out what else we need to add…


Re: CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C

Posted: Sun Apr 01, 2012 12:41 pm
by TanPritch

Thanks so much for responding and sorry for the delay in getting back to you I have been away.

I wrote the following:

Rest time if the child does not rest at home - Offer plenty of comfort and physical reassurance. Sit with the child and explain the importance of quiet time. If the child still does not settle, remove them from the group and give them a quiet activity to play with until rest time is finished.

Telling a child to pack away - Ask the children to pack away the toys as a group so everyone is involved and not just one child.

I hope I have answered the questions correctly :)

Re: CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C

Posted: Mon Apr 16, 2012 12:35 pm
by TanPritch
Hi there

Is anyone able to help me with the question?

Many thanks.

Re: CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 5:39 pm
by Lorina
Yeah what you wrote is alright.. Just remember that If a child can't speak English they may not be able to understand your reassurances. In this case you can also setup the child's bed in a different area during rest time and still give them an opportunity to rest without having to sleep. As for the second qs it's fine, you could also demonstrate what needs to be done during pack away time and encourage the child to do so


Re: CHCCN302A - Provide Care for Children - PART C

Posted: Thu Apr 19, 2012 6:45 pm
by TanPritch
Great! Many thanks :)