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Gross Motor Development for School Age

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From: Aussie Childcare Network

Gross Motor Development for School Age Lancesh

A school age child’s physical development has increased considerably at this point. Gross motor skills such as running, climbing etc. are of ease and a need of challenging physical activities are required (such as roller skating, bike riding, tennis etc.). There is an increase in balance, co-ordination and a confidence in using and experimenting with outdoor equipment (monkey bars, climbing frames, etc.). School age children can sometimes push the boundaries in their physical abilities and tend to have frequent minor accidents during games and while playing.

Gross Motor Development Milestones from 6 years+

  • skips on alternate feet
  • walks easily on a narrow line
  • runs on tippy toes
  • can stand on one foot
  • can catch ball in hands
  • throws and kicks with considerable ability
  • can hop on one foot ten times or more, both right and left
  • can ride a bike (with or without trainer wheels)
  • is active and skilful in climbing, swinging, sliding etc
  • enjoys and participates in team games
  • skills develop with small size ball (able to catch with one hand)
  • enhances game skills (e.g. hopscotch and jump rope)
  • rides a two wheeler bike
  • runs up and down stairs

During this stage, it’s important for school age children to become involved in outdoor sports that enables them to extend their physical abilities. Activities such as swimming, soccer, gymnastics or running will strengthen your child’s physical attributes as well as get them actively involved in staying fit and healthy in a fun and exciting way.

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